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Friday, June 06, 2008

Keruhan MiyNoos....

The goverment think we are stupid... they tot we dunno how to compare... I think better dun provide schooling to all Malaysian... so that in the future all the ppl dunno to count and let the government TIPU!!

The diesel price is almost equal to petrol... y?

When it rains it pours for the consumers. In tandem to the fuel price increase, Tenaga Nasional Bhd will be raising electricity rates by 20% for homes, and 26% for business users.

Although all the rakyat is protesting... will Pak Lah government will listen to them? Pi la u... Pak Lah...

So... just say NO to BN... they are not working for us... but their cronies.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Up... Up... Up... and Never Down..........F**k!!

What the F**k... everything in M'sia had increased after the GE... Pak Lah tipu again... Cement, steel, copper, rice... and now.... PETROLEUM!!!!!!

Pak Lah just annouced it... petrol will increase 78c to RM2.70/l..... what the f**k... 40% increase!!!!!

Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu... Pak Lah tipu...

How can we trust our PM... He cant even kept his promise!!.... pui!! How to survive in M'sia when our living standard are much lower compare to cost of living??... Government only know how to jaga their own pocket... how about the rakyat? If the government is strong on managing our economy and know how to distribute our country wealth... then we no need to suffer!!

Pak Lah u let us down again... damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!